Logo PPCIS PPCIS - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Sociais


Interseções Journal

Interseções – journal of interdisciplinary studies is a biannual publication of the Graduation Program in Social Sciences. Its editorial line is defined around interdisciplinarity, conceived as the union between the Social Sciences branches – Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology. As part of its project, it also accepts contributions from other areas of the Humanities that intend to establish a dialogue with Social Sciences. Intersections is indexed at LATINDEX, CLASE, EBSCO and Cengage-learning.

The journal was founded in 1999 and migrated to the electronic format as part of UERJ’s portal of e-publications. Interseções has published 35 issues (22 in print and 13 on-line). The journal is linked below:
