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The research groups make up the Teaching and Research Laboratory which connects Graduation and Under-graduation activities. Most of them are part of PPCIS and promote research, teaching and extension activities. These groups are funded by state agencies such as Faperj, CNPq and FINEP. They also count on extension and scientific initiation scholarships provided by UERJ and CNPq. They go as listed:

Violence Analysis Laboratory (LAV)

Director: Doriam Borges
Associate professors: João Trajano Sento-Sé, Ignácio Cano e Eduardo Ribeiro
Further information: www.lav.uerj.br

Objectives: a) to introduce young researchers to the violence, public security and human rights research area through courses, seminars, lectures and study groups; b) to develop specialized research projects, including public policies evaluation; c) to participate in public debates concerning this subject, to provide qualified information and to take part in a variety of forums; d) to develop projects for a variety of institutions (NGOs, public national and international institutes, etc.) The Laboratory is connected to the Violence and Public Politics research area.

Religion Studies Laboratory (NUER)

Director: Márcia Contins
Associate professors: Cecília Mariz e Sandra de Sá Carneiro
Further information: http://www.nueruerj.blogspot.com

NUER articulates research, teaching and extension activities in the field of religion studies and is linked to the research area “Religions, sociabilities and forms of cultural expression”. Research projects weave religion and city, ethnicity, social movements and politics themes, as well as wider themes such as “conflicts” and “migrations”. It offers physical and institutional support that allow the Program to keep, organize and expand its collection (and the files donated by ISER) and to incorporate the research data in order to create a highly qualified center of documentation on “Religion in Brazil”.

Pró-Ilhéus Laboratory

Associate professors: Myrian Sepúlveda dos Santos e Patrícia Birman

This laboratory has been developing projects in Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, RJ, where UERJ has a campus) since 1999. Among these projects it is worth mentioning an analysis about violence in the old penitentiary system and studies about recent matters involving ecology, religion, tourism and violence. The projects involve local populations, NGOs and public institutes. Research and extension activities gather graduate and undergraduate students. The website “Ilha Grande Humanidades” has as its goal to make accessible academic papers produced about Ilha Grande in the Social Sciences/Humanities areas.

Christianism Studies

Director: Cecília Mariz

This research group is registered in the CNPq directory. It establishes an inter-regional field of research and academic discussions about Christianism. It gathers researchers from both Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, UFRJ, UNIRIO and UFRRJ) and the Northeast (UFPE and UFPB). It develops an academic extension project through the Patrimonial Politics and Religions Debate Forum.

Rio’s Afro-Digital Museum

Director: Myrian Sepúlveda dos Santos
Associate professors: 
Further information: http://www.museuafrorio.uerj.br/

The Afro-Digital Museum works in the interface between themes of memory, racial issues and image resources. The project created a website that aims to catalogue, systematize and make available Afro-Brazilian memory through digital and public access. The project is part of the “Art, Culture and Power” research group that is registered in CNPq (2008).

Images, Narratives and Cultural Practices Research Group (INARRA)

Director: Clarice Peixoto e Marcos Albuquerque
Associate professors: Paulo Jorge Ribeiro, Luiz Fernando Almeida Pereira e Mariana Leal Rodrigues (Unirio)
Further information: http://www.inarra.com.br

Inarra has been registered in the CNPq Research directory since 1994. Its objectives lie in the fields of audiovisual anthropology, web, arts and performance. It intends to stimulate research about the production, reception and circulation of images, arts and cultural practices in its many fields. It develops research, teaching and extension activities and is listed among the research area Art, Image and Culture´s initiatives. Inarra promotes yearly Seminars which are already renowned in the Brazilian and Latin-American visual anthropology scene.

CITIES – Urban Research Laboratory

Director: Lia de Mattos Rocha
Further information: https://www.facebook.com/Cidades/PPCIS
Associate professors: Marcia P. Leite, Paula Lacerda, Maria Josefina, Sandra Carneiro, Roberta Guimarães, Patricia Birman

Rio de Janeiro´s landscape has changed due to its new “Olympic City” status. Urban space reorganization projects such as the Transvias (TransCarioca, TransOeste and TransOlímpica), Porto Maravilha, Morar Carioca and others changed not only the city’s appearance but also its occupational, production, sociability, and participation dynamics and public space conflicts. This laboratory has two main goals: to produce knowledge about social and urban issues in Rio de Janeiro and to provide social movements and researchers interested on the theme with a space for dialogue and social intervention.

Laboratory of Quantitative Studies (QUANTIDADOS)

Director: Dorian Borges
Associate professors: Ignacio Cano, Eduardo Ribeiro, Maira Covre-Sussai, Clara Araújo e Doriam Borges

Quantidados is an aggregate data bank with emphasis on socioeconomic and demographic aspects of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The laboratory has as its priorities analyses based on surveys and the dialogue between econometric and qualitative methodological approaches. It develops extension activities and has as a reference planning and direct intervention politicies in the inequality and socio-political practices thematic fields.

Laboratory of Contemporary Inequality and Gender Relations Studies (NUDERG)

Director: Maira Covre-Sussai
Vice-Director:  Clara Araújo
Associate professors: ​ Clara Araújo, Doriam Borges, Eduardo Ribeiro, Moema Guedes, Waleska Aureliano e Roberta Nicoletti
Further information: http://nuderg.blogspot.com.br/

NUDERG was founded in 2006 and has as its goal the establishment of a theoretical and empirical dialogue between issues of gender inequality and its contemporary manifestations. The Laboratory focuses especially on problematics such as Family, Politics, Citizenship and Public Policies, and Violence. It brings together graduate and undergraduate students as well as professors and researchers at UERJ and other institutions. NUDERG is registered in CNPq’s research groups directory. Its interface with the University´s extension initiatives happens through courses and seminars. The Gender Studies Seminar gathers students and professional researchers from many different areas.

Observatory of Indigenous Presence (OPIERJ)

Director: Marcos Albuquerque

Founded in 2015, OPIERJ is a research and extension project that seeks to develop a specific website through a partnership with PROINDIO/UERJ. It has a pedagogical aspect in the providing of data and recent factual information about indigenous presence in the State of Rio de Janeiro to researchers from all academic modalities.

Politics Information and Analysis Laboratory (NIAP)

Director: Paulo D’Ávila Filho e Fernando Lattman-Weltman.
Associate professors: Bernardo Ferreira, José Eisenberg e João Trajano Sento-Sé

This research group was founded in 2016. Its focus is on the production and dissemination of information and on analyses about the political life of modern societies. NIAP aspires to produce and disseminate public-access data bases with thematic and bibliographical information on politics, as well as to promote studies and analyses developed by its members or recommended by them. Its specific goal is to allow its members’ research and extension activities to be connected to the students’ in the areas of Political Sciences, Political Theory and History of Political Ideas at UERJ in order to produce an interdisciplinary view of the multiple forms of comprehension that can be found in the study of politics.

Social Sciences and Education Research Group

Director: Helena Bomeny
Associate professors: Raquel Emerique, Luiz Fernando Almeida Pereira, David Soares e Eduardo Ribeiro.

The Social Sciences and Education Research Group was founded in 2016 and is registered in CNPq’s directory. It combines teaching, research and extension activities. It has the following as its goals: 1) to develop studies about different dimensions of the relations between Social Sciences and Education, focusing on the Brazilian context but not exclusively so; 2) to investigate social, economic and political processes implied in the formation (initial and long-term) and the professional activity of researchers, teachers and specialists in Social Sciences; 3) to promote researches on formal (scholar systems of all levels) and informal educational fields; 4) to promote studies on historical, pedagogical, methodological and curricular aspects of Social Sciences’ teaching in Brazil’s Basic Education and in international contexts.

Contemporary Family Studies Group – GREFAC

Director: Waleska Aureliano
Vice-Director:  Andrea Moraes (ESS-UFRJ)
Associate professors: ​Clarice Peixoto, Clara Araújo, Maira Covre-Sussai, Myriam Lins de Barros, Maria das Dores Machado (ESS-UFRJ), Elaine Brandão (IESC-UFRJ) e Maria Luiza Heilborn (IMS-UERJ)

GREFAC is an interinstitutional study group registered in CNPq’s research directory. It has as its goal to promote debates about family and generations, gender and sexuality as a way to encourage research about the practices and behaviours in family relationships.