Exchange Programs
PPCIS’ national exchange initiatives occur at different levels and with various types of institutions. In the strictly academic area, it is worth mentioning DINTER’s successful conclusion which connected PPCIS to Montes Claros University. The last theses were concluded in the beginning of 2016. Since 2014 PPCIS has been working on partnerships aiming at the development of conjoined research and events. Some of these partnerships include UFRRJ, UFRJ, UFRGS, UFJF, UENF, UFF, UNIRIO, ENCE and UFPE.PPCIS also develops projects in collaboration with national research institutes such as IPEA and IBGE, as well as public institutions such as the Women’s Policies Secretary, the Ministry of Justice, the National Public Security Secretary, the Public Security Secretary of Rio de Janeiro (PPCIS has today three students working in it as administrators), among others. Besides the above mentioned public administrative branches, PPCIS cooperates with non-governmental organizations such as the Religion Studies Institute (ISER), the Observatory of Slums and the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. This set of partnerships with research institutes, graduate programs, state agencies, and non-governmental organizations is evidence of the widening of PPCIS’ scope of activities this report has been emphasizing.
Throughout the years, PPCIS has been keeping a significative set of international exchange programs. That has had as a positive result the creation of networks with a high level of cohesion in what concerns their intellectual production, the cooperations between researchers and the makings of partnership-based events. This section focuses on exchange programs that were kept or renewed throughout 2016.
– Cooperation agreements with Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Holland. This agreement began in 2003 and was renewed in 2012. It has stimulated research and teaching exchanges between Social Sciences professors and students of VUA, UERJ and three other Brazilian universities (UFMG, UFRGS and UFPE) through a program called “Paulo Freire”. During the first five years, this agreement was very successful. Among its results it is worth mentioning conjoined publications between UERJ and VUA professors (THEIJE, Marjo de & MARIZ, Cecília. Localizing and globalizing processes in Brazilian Catholicism: Comparing inculturation in Liberationist and Charismatic Catholic Cultures”. Latin American Research Review 43: 33-54, 2008; a special bilingual issue of Debates do NER, 11: 21-48, 2007; publications on the journal Religion and Society 28/2), international meetings (VUA, UFRGS and UERJ) and graduate and undergraduate student exchanges. This exchange’s success and its renewal for another five years spread to other areas of the University besides Social Sciences. The specific agreement between PPCIS and FSW/VUA was renewed and is currently directed by Cecília Mariz/PPCIS. Academic interchanges between VUA and PPCIS are still being promoted.
– Cooperation agreements with Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, since 2008, coordinated by Maria Josefina Gabriel Sant’Anna and Dario Sousa e Silva (UERJ) and Enzo Rossi (Tor Vergata). The results of this partnership can be seen on the book Bambini e adolescenti in condizioni di vulnerabilità, organized by E. Rossi, M. J. Sant´anna e D. Silva Filho (Roma: Aracne Editrice, 2011); the jointly organized seminars held in Brazil/UERJ and in Itália/Tor Vergata on the issue of children and teenagers living under vulnerable conditions; in the fieldwork conducted in Rome by Beatriz Brandão dos Santos (a student at PPCIS), which resulted in the Masters dissertation supervised by Dario Sousa e Silva Filho titled “Me chama pelo nome. Juventude vulnerável entre muros e esquinas do Rio e de Roma” and concluded in 2013. In 2015, PPCIS received as visiting professor Giuseppe Ricotta.
-Cooperation agreements with the Social Studies Centre/CES at Coimbra University, established in 2008. Professor Myrian Sepulveda dos Santos participates in this agreement which involves the themes of patrimony and culture. This partnership’s results are expressed in articles jointly published by Myrian Santos (UERJ) and Paulo Peixoto (Coimbra); in the Art, Culture and Power research group’s seminars; and in exchange programs between professors and students (a doctoral grant for a study period at CES and Myrian Sepulveda dos Santos and Maurício Barros de Castro’s post-doctoral studies in 2009 and 2012).
These cooperation agreements attest to the intellectual partnership between our faculty members and colleagues from other countries in the American and European continents. Other cooperation agreements and intellectual exchanges are also products of the program. That is the case, for example, of the cooperation agreement with the Latin-american Center of Studies of Pentecostalism (PPCIS/UERJ, UFRJ and Wilfred Laurier University of Canadá, established in 2011); the research project “Family and change in gender roles”, with presents an international comparative contribution supported by the International Social Service Survey-ISSP; the international cooperation project Brazil/South Africa “Social Cohesion: the missing link in overcoming violence, poverty and inequality”, International Development Research Center; and the international cooperation project “The Universal Church of God’s Kingdom, its human rights and prosperity”, CNPq/CPLP (PPCIS/UERJ, ICS/UL, Agostinho Neto University.)
In 2016, other cooperation initiatives went on, such as the exchange programs with two important Italian institutions: The University of Rome I – “La Sapienza” – and the Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Giuridiche. The initiative of the faculty members of the Program in the organization of events connecting the networks of researchers from different institutions was generally followed by the renewal of the previously mentioned agreements. The consolidation of the Program’s international ties is attested by the increasing number of doctoral students that are granted scholarships. Some initiatives, not necessarily made official through cooperation agreements, are manifested through research projects, visiting terms and publications.
In 2016, PPCIS was invited to participate in Sérgio Vieira de Melo Chair, that includes many of UERJ’s departments. The Chair is an initiative directed at refugees – studies and extension – and has a partnership with Cáritas and ACNUR – ONU. Each institute has its own kind of participation. Ours is mapping refugees at Rio de Janeiro. That will later be expanded in order to encompass the whole national territory. Disciplines on this topic will also be offered.
In 2017, we plan on establishing another agreement with professor Zuzana Und, of the Institute of Sociology of Czech Academy of Science, to make conjoined researches and exchange programs about Gender, Globalization and Migrations. This agreement is intended to include other similar areas and issues.
The visibility of the Program and its internationalization efforts are also registered by the joint supervision agreements established with other Universities:
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
– Elise Capredon
From 06/2009 to 11/2016
Advisor (UERJ) – Patricia Birman
Advisor (EHESS) –
– Valentine Carneiro
From 07/2017 to 08/2018
Advisor (UERJ) – Clarice Peixoto
Advisor (EHESS) – Nathalie Heinich
University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Ana Paula Alves Fernandes
From 06/2014
Advisor (UERJ) – Myrian Sepulveda dos Santos
Advisor (Nanterre) – Idelete Muzart Fonseca dos Santos
Universitá Della Calabria – UNICAL
Gustavo Di Santo
From 03/2016 to 06/2018
Advisor (UERJ) – Cecilia Loreto Mariz
Advisor (UNICAL) – Matteo Marini
Universitá Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Laura Squillace
From 12/2016 to 12/2020
Advisor (UERJ) – Ignacio Cano
Advisor (UMilano) – Carmen Leccardi